Rudall carte serial numbers flute clip art

NMM 3515. Flute attributed to Louis Lot, Paris, ca. 1849-1850. Distributed by Rudall & Rose, London. No serial number. Stamped on body (in script): Rudall & Rose / Patentees / 38 Southhampton St Strand / London. Parabolic head, cylindrical body. Three sections. German-silver-plated tube. Silver-plated body, keys, raised lip plate, and screw-cap. Boehm 1832 key system, open G-sharp, Briccialdi B-flat. Post and axle supports. Lowest note c'. Total length, 669.2 mm. Sounding length, 592.1 mm. Original case. W. Wayne Sorensen Collection, 1984.

Lit.: Amy Shaw Kreitzer, Transverse Flutes by London Makers, 1750-1900, M.M. Thesis (University of South Dakota, 1993), pp. 223, 240-242.

Stephanie Kocher, 'Boehm’s Very Good Idea,' Flute Talk, Vol. 25, No. 5 (January 2006), p. 14-15.

NMM 3791. Flute by Rudall, Carte & Co., London, ca. 1893. Serial no. 2470. Stamped on body: [crown] / RUDALL CARTE & Co / 23 BERNERS STREET / OXFORD STREET / LONDON; on head and foot joints: [crown] / RUDALL / CARTE & Co / LONDON. Parabolic head, cylindrical body. Three sections. Cocus, silver ferrules. Wooden screw-cap. Metal lining in head joint and socket of foot joint. Patented 1867 'Boehm and Carte Systems Combined.' Sixteen German-silver keys, post and axle supports. Closed keys: duplicate F, D-sharp. Articulated keys: d', c-sharp', c', duplicate c', B, B-flat, A, G-sharp, G, F-sharp, F, E, c-sharp', c'. Lowest note c'. Total length 622.1 mm. Sounding length, 542.2 mm. Original, fitted, double case shared with NMM 3972. Ex coll.: N. L. Anderson, Haslemere, Surrey, England. Arne B. Larson Collection, 1979.

Lit.: Amy Shaw Kreitzer, Transverse Flutes by London Makers, 1750-1900, M.M. Thesis (University of South Dakota, 1993), pp. 226, 243-245.

NMM 3792. Piccolo flute by Rudall, Carte & Co., London, ca. 1893. Serial no. 2998. Stamped on body: RUDALL CARTE & Co / 23 BERNERS STREET / OXFORD STREET / LONDON; on head and foot joints: [crown] / RUDALL / CARTE & Co / LONDON. Cylindrical head, conical body. Two sections. Cocus, silver ferrules. Wooden screw-cap. Metal lining in head joint. Patented 1867 'Boehm and Carte Systems Combined.' Post and axle supports. Lowest note d'. Total length, 292 mm. Sounding length, 240.5 mm. Original, fitted, double case shared with NMM 3791. Ex coll.: N. L. Anderson, Haslemere, Surrey, England. Arne B. Larson Collection, 1979.

Lit.: Amy Shaw Kreitzer, Transverse Flutes by London Makers, 1750-1900, M.M. Thesis (University of South Dakota, 1993), pp. 226, 245-247.

NMM 3208. Flute by Rudall, Carte & Co., London, ca. 1900. Serial no. 3224. Stamped on body: [crown] / RUDALL CARTE & Co / 23 BERNERS STREET / OXFORD STREET / LONDON; on head and foot joint: [crown] / RUDALL / CARTE & Co / LONDON. Parabolic head, cylindrical body. Three sections. Cocus, silver ferrules. Wooden screw-cap. Metal lining in sockets of head and foot joints. Patented 1847 Boehm system, additional closed G-sharp and Briccialdi B-flat keys. Post and axle supports. Lowest note c'. Total length 677.7 mm. Sounding length, 609.9 mm. Original case. W. Wayne Sorensen Collection, 1983.

Lit.: Amy Shaw Kreitzer, Transverse Flutes by London Makers, 1750-1900, M.M. Thesis (University of South Dakota, 1993), pp. 223, 247-249.